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3 Steps of emotional healing

We all face pain in our life, but there is always healing. Here are 3 simple steps that can help you receive healing: Step 1: Process feeling Many people jump this step. The culture teaches us not to touch our emotions. We live in denial or cope it with shopping, social media, work, alcohol, sex, drugs, etc. We are created to feel pain & joy in life, that's what makes us human. By processing your feelings, you pour out your pain to God or trusted person. We are not designed to walk alone, you need to receive care and comfort. "Your Pain Matters." Step 2: Build Truth     Most of us when being hurt, we tend to think it is our problem. The enemy loves to accuse and shame us day and night. For example, if your boy/girlfriend, parents or teachers treat you like crap. The enemy will speak lies into your heart, "Oh, it must be you are not good enough." I am not saying we...

心靈療癒 3 步曲

我們總會在生活中遇到痛苦,但療癒是有可能的。 這裡有3個簡單的步驟,可以幫助您得到療癒: 第一步:處理情感    很多人跳過這一步。 文化教導我們不要去碰情緒。 我們生活在否定或沉溺之中,以購物、社交媒體、工作、酒精、性、藥物、毒品等來麻醉痛苦。我們是被創造去感受生命中的痛苦和快樂,這讓我們成之為人。 透過處理您的情感,向天父 或信任的人 傾吐您的痛苦和感受。 我們並不是被設計為 獨自 行走人生的路,您需要得到關心和安慰。 「您的痛苦是被在乎的。」 第二步:建立真相 不少人受到傷害的時候,往往會認為這是我們的問題。仇 敵喜歡不分晝夜來指責和令我們感到 羞愧 。 例如:如果您的男/女朋友、父母或老師對您態度惡劣。 仇 敵會向您的心 說話:「哦,那一定是您不夠好。」  我 並 不是說我們不需要作一些合理的反省,但僅此而已,您並沒有甚麼不對。 請記住,人們如何對待您並不定義您是誰,這只會界定他們是誰。 (*關於「寬恕」和「和解」的誤解將在另一篇文章中介紹) 第三步:保持自由    有些人雖然已透過輔導或內在醫治而得到療癒,但他們發現癒合並不能維持長久, 為什麼? 許多人談論寬恕,卻忘記了設立健康界線*,以保護我們的心。天父 告訴我們去愛,但也要有智慧地去愛。 如果有人從來不珍惜您 或並沒有 真正悔改,您需要寬恕他或她,但您不應該呆在那裡任由他或她傷害您。 天父創造 關係是 互 相關懷和尊重的。      為著您的心理健康,您需要遠離那些愛批判的人(即使是有良好動機的)。您 需要擁有智慧和 同理心 的諮詢。 我們並不是被設計為獨自行走人生的路, 我們都需要充滿愛和支持的社區與團體,來幫助我們身心靈 健康 成長。 (*「牆」和「 界線」 的分別將在另一篇文章中介紹) 這是需要時間,但療癒是有可能的。 如果您想分享療癒給您的朋友,您現在可以於  購買...

The Fern and The Bamboo 《 蕨與竹 》

One day I decided to quit... ​I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. “God”, I said. “Can you give me one good reason not to quit? His answer surprised me. “Look around”, He said. “Do you see the fern and the bamboo?” “Yes”, I replied. “When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. The same in year four. Then in the fifth year, a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern, it was seemingly small...