3 Steps of emotional healing
We all face pain in our life, but there is always healing.
Here are 3 simple steps that can help you receive healing:
Step 1: Process feeling
Many people jump this step. The culture teaches us not to touch our emotions. We live in denial or cope it with shopping, social media, work, alcohol, sex, drugs, etc. We are created to feel pain & joy in life, that's what makes us human. By processing your feelings, you pour out your pain to God or trusted person. We are not designed to walk alone, you need to receive care and comfort.
"Your Pain Matters."
Step 2: Build Truth
Most of us when being hurt, we tend to think it is our problem. The enemy loves to accuse and shame us day and night. For example, if your boy/girlfriend, parents or teachers treat you like crap. The enemy will speak lies into your heart, "Oh, it must be you are not good enough." I am not saying we don't need to have some reasonable reflections on our part, but that's it, there is nothing wrong about you. Remember, how people treat you do not define who you are, it just defines who they are.
( *Misconceptions about "forgive" & "reconcile" will be covered in another article )
Step 3 : Stay in Freedom
Some people who have been through counselling or inner healing, but they found out the healing cannot last long. Why? Many people talk about forgiveness, but forget to set healthy boundaries* to protect our heart. God told us to love, but also to love wisely. If someone never treasures you or truly repent, you need to forgive him or her for your own healing, but there is NO WAY you should stay there to be hurt by him or her. God creates relationship for mutual care and respect.
For your mental health, you should stay away from judgemental people (even those with good intentions). You need someone who gives wise counsel but also have empathy. We are not created to walk alone, we all need loving and supportive community to receive care and help us grow in a healthy way.
( *The difference between "Wall" & "Boundary" will be covered in another article)
It may takes time, but healing is always available.
If you want to share the healing to your friend and loved ones, you can now purchase the Postcards at gracetherapy.net. (Greeting Cards & Stickers are also available.)
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